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Diploma of Communication Art & Design Level 6


Two academic years


26 January 2015

13 July 2015 

*Please note that our mid-year intakes are subject to numbers 

Career Opportunities

Graphic designers - advertisingagencies, design studios, in-house company design departments, print companies,publishing, newspaper, industry. Freelance designer / illustrator.

Further StudyPossibilities

Graduates have gone on to study:Washington School of Design, USA (Masters of Design); Wanganui

School of Design (Bachelor of Design);Massey University (Bachelor of Design); Christchurch Polytechnic

Institute of Technology (Bachelor ofDesign); Whitecliffe College of Art and Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts).

Entry Requirements

Portfolio and interview. NCEA Level 2(High School Year 12) or equivalent. English language entry requirements, IELTS6.0 or equivalent.

Tuition fees

$19,656 per academic year

Course-related costs

$1,500 - $2,000 per academic year

Individual CourseComponents

First Academic Year - computerpractical, basic design, colour theory, typography, drawing, production,graphic design, design history, photography.

Second Academic Year - computerpractical, graphic design, typography, drawing, production, business studies,design history, photography, portfolio development, internship.


Course Summary

FirstAcademic Year

Thecourse is modeled on the working environments of top creative agencies.Students prepare for situations they will encounter in their careers, buildingconfidence and an industry perspective that cannot be taught in a typical classsetting.

Inthe process of working with industry based briefs the students become skilledin working with the software. They receive an introduction to hardware and theprimary software packages used by industry practitioners: Adobe Photoshop,Illustrator, In design and Acrobat Professional.

Colourtheory, design principles, marketing and problem solving skills are allcomponents covered at great length throughout the first year of the course.Print production techniques prepare students for commercial printing andcorrect file management.

Thefirst year recognizes the broader abilities required by top level designcreatives, by incorporating the study of art history and photography. Studentsare also required to conceptualise with the use of visual and contextualdiaries.

SecondAcademic Year

Preparingstudents for life in the industry is the primary focus of the second year. Thesecond year builds on the skills and theory learned in the first year but theemphasis moves from the technology and design foundation skills to advanceddesign, problem solving and more complex technical expertise. Students workclosely, one-on-one with tutors in the development of major projects andexplore conceptualizing and problem solving methods.

Thesecond year is structured to include a comprehensive range of industry widebased briefs to encourage the students to be flexible in their responses.

One-on-onetutoring is focused on responding to individual needs while giving a highquality critique to further develop critical thinking. Practical skills will bepromoted through in-class tutorials based around relevant software programmes.This plus the tutorial based teaching will address individual learning needswhile building a technical knowledge base.

Thecourse includes more advanced use of software and skills as well as drawing,marketing and consumer profiling, photography, art history, pre-pressproduction and file management - the technical preparation of files for printproduction.

Studentsare expected to demonstrate highly developed practical skills in the productionof multi-page documents, campaign driven brand development, 'live' industrybriefs, corporate identity, illustration, packaging and logo development.

Followingthe Diploma of Communication Arts and Design students can go on to the Diplomaof Art (Advanced) and then can apply to enter the Bachelor of Fine Arts degreethrough Whitecliffe College of Arts and Design.